The Devil's Details
The other day I heard someone recounting their recent interaction with a child adult: “...God creates, the Devil destroys. Do you want to be like the Devil?”. Child: “I don't know”. Why would he? This judgement and interrogation were directed at a 3 year old engaged in what had been deemed a “destructive activity” by the adult telling the story. Hearing this account sent ripples through my psyche like a gong. As I let to the waves pertubate, phrases began to parse in my mind: “all the wicked will He destroy” - David (referencing God), Psalm 145:20 “I won't destroy the earth with a flood again” - God, Genesis 9:11 – because... time it's fire – “and the elements will melt with a fervent heat” - 2 Peter 3:10, “God is an all consuming fire” - Hebrews 12:29 There are many other scriptures in other "sacred texts" that echo equal sentiments, therefore it's hard to argue that the attribute of “destroyer” is not inherent to the nature of God. Many would argue t...